Wagner’s Rose Nursery™ is one of the largest and longest running rose nurseries in Australia.

Rosa Laevigata Clg
  • Rosa Laevigata Clg

Please note that you’re ordering a bare-rooted rose, that will be dispatched Late-July to Mid-September in 2025. Cancellation fees may apply.

Rosa Laevigata Clg - is currently on backorder. You may still purchase now though and we'll ship as soon as more become available.
Climber (bare rooted)

An evergreen climbing rose that produces long thorny vinelike canes with pure single petal flowers highlighted with a bright yellow stamen. Rosa Laevigata is a vigorous climber which will sprawl across neighbouring shrubs if a trellis is not sufficient. The foliage features attractive light green ‘leaflets’, with the flowers arranged along the length of the canes, and flowering throughout Spring.

Spring Flowering Only. Will most likely not flower in it's first year.

Fragrance: Nil.

Height: 370cm x 460cm.