Wagner’s Rose Nursery™ is one of the largest and longest running rose nurseries in Australia.

Camp David - 90cm/3ft standard
  • Camp David - 90cm/3ft standard

Please note that you’re ordering a bare-rooted rose, that will be dispatched Late-July to Mid-September in 2024. Cancellation fees may apply.

Camp David - 90cm/3ft standard - is currently on backorder. You may still purchase now though and we'll ship as soon as more become available.
Standard 90cm (bare rooted)

Camp David is an extremely popular rose with beautiful, well-formed full and double blooms in rich dark red. This hybrid tea is very resistant to adverse weather. It develops into a neat, sturdy and healthy bush making it perfect for a smaller garden. 

It repeat flowers from Spring to Winter and is excellent as a cut flower as it's bloom are long-lasting.

Fragrance: Strong.